
Keeping Your Business Flowing: Why Backflow Testing is Essential for Your Water Safety and Legal Compliance

Don't Overlook Backflow Prevention & Inspection

As a business owner, you have a lot to deal with to ensure your operations are running smoothly, revenue is flowing, employees are happy, and goals are being met… and if you’re anything like us, it’s your worst nightmare when something under the surface goes terribly wrong, engulfing your business in health hazards or legal fines.Commercial Plumber in Sacramento, CA

Picture This:​

You know the feeling, something you have been ignoring or brushing off as “not important” rears its ugly head to cause your business to halt in its tracks. What can make it even worse, is when the issue that caused so much havoc could have been easily prevented. 

Let me guess… you’re thinking about that most recent event that set you back in your business, and how you could have prevented it. While we can’t change the past for you (we’re working on it…), our commercial plumbers in Sacramento can help you prevent another potential disaster. So, let’s talk about backflow prevention and testing.

Don't Let Backflow Bite Your Business!

Backflow prevention and testing might not be the first thing on your mind when running your enterprise but it's crucial- but why exactly?

Let's say you're running a bustling restaurant, a thriving office building, or maybe a manufacturing facility. Everything's going smoothly until, suddenly, contaminated water finds its way back into your clean water supply... not ideal.

What is a Backflow Prevention Device?

Apart from being legally required for all commercial buildings, a backflow prevention device is a product that helps keep the public water supply safe and healthy- think of it as a one-way door that ensures that water only flows in one direction. Backflow happens when water flows in the wrong direction, potentially bringing harmful contaminants back into your water system.

Preventing Illness and Disease

A backflow event can cause serious illness, disease and even death. Therefore, having a backflow prevention device installed and up to code is crucial to the health and safety of your community. In addition to being essential to safety, backflow preventers are also useful in keeping your water systems efficient and ensuring your water is used properly.

Commercial plumbing in Sacramento, CA

Don't Tune Out Just Yet...

Having the device installed is only half the battle. Your backflow device isn’t a one-and-done deal after you make sure your property has one installed- and that's where annual testing comes in.

Apart from the installation, you need to have your backflow device tested once per year (at least)- it’s the law! By having a certified technician inspect your backflow prevention yearly, you're ensuring it's in working order and ready to fend off any potential contaminants that could harm the public. Thankfully, our commercial plumbers at Cooper Oates in Sacramento, CA are experienced in handling any plumbing issues that can arise within commercial and industrial facilities.

Proper Backflow Inspection Can Prevent Public Health Disasters

So, here’s the bottom line: making sure you have your backflow prevention device tested isn't just about ticking boxes and avoiding trouble (although that's definitely a plus). It's about protecting what matters most: your customers, your employees, and your reputation.

By taking proactive steps to maintain water safety in your business, you're showing your commitment to providing a clean, healthy environment for everyone who walks through your doors- and that's the kind of dedication that doesn't go unnoticed.Commercial plumbing-backflow testing in Sacramento, CA

Our Commercial Plumbers in Sacramento, CA Can Help Your Business Stay Safe and Compliant

At Cooper Oates, our commercial plumbers are well-trained in backflow prevention inspection and maintenance with experience helping all types of businesses in the greater Sacramento region. We'll make sure your system is compliant with all local codes and regulations, performing well to keep your water safe and avoid serious issues down the road.

Choose Cooper Oates

If you're searching for a reliable commercial plumber in Sacramento, contact us today to see how we can benefit your business. We would like to help your building become both efficient and compliant- and remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Cheers to clean water and peace of mind!
